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Delhi Dental News & Events


Dr.Puneet Kathuria, was amongst the galaxy of implants dentistry speakers for this years Famdent show at New Delhi. Being a part of Team Famdent for 5 yrs now, he is no new name in the field of Dental Implants in New Delhi, India. So, there were not many surprises when he was so well received at Famdent Show-2011.He is one of the pioneers in this field, was well received to a packed house at Pragati Maidan. Dr.Puneet Kathuria thanked Dr.Anil Arora & Dr.Kumaraswamy for their continuous support at Famdent.

Dr.Sween Kathuria lecturing at PDM Dental College, Bahadurgarh

Dr.Sween Kathuria being one of the best cosmetic dentist & Dental Lasers specialist in New Delhi, India, was invited to hold a lecture & training session for dentists & faculty members of PDM Dental College, Bahadurgarh, Haryana. Dr.Sween Kathuria shared her experiences & cases done with soft tissue Diode Lasers in Dentistry.

She received a warm welcome from the Principal of PDM Dental College, Dr.(Mrs) Meenakshi.Sood, an eminent Periodontist of the country. Dr.Sween Kathuria demonstrated a lot of cases which are done with soft tissue diode lasers. Being one of the best cosmetic & laser dentists of the country, her presentation was well received by a packed house.Dr.Sween Kathuria, thanked Dr.Smriti of Unicorn for her support for this presentation.

Dr.Puneet Kathuria on the main podium of AOI-New Delhi, India

Dr.Puneet Kathuria, an eminent Dental Implants specialist of India, presented the “Implants supported prosthodontic management of fully edentulous arches” at AOI Confrence at Hotel Grand, New Delhi on 24th September-2011.

Dr.Puneet Kathuria, shared his vast knowledge with the packed house of dentists with at least 13 different types of cases where about 123 Implants were placed to restore, a toothless upper jaw or lower jaw or both.

He received great accolades from the audience as never they had seen so many cases with so many Implants being placed & restored with Crowns/bridges so beautifully. Dr.Puneet Kathuria, being one of the top dental surgeons in New Delhi, truly lived upto the expectation of the audience.

Dr.Puneet Kathuria & Dr.Sween Kathuria

Were invited by the retired Officers associations of the UNICEF at the UNICEF HOUSE in New Delhi. It was a scientific program crafted by Dr.Kathuria to cater the needs for the senior age group people of the UNICEF. The presentation revolved around the importance of replacing the missing teeth & making them aware of the fact that Dental implants is a very common and a reliable technology which helps them get their smiles back.

Dr.Sween Kathuria presented on the fact that age is never a bar to cosmetic dentistry & presented a lot of cases to re-iterate her point of view. It was very well appreciated program & the audiences were really amazed to see some of Dr.Puneet Kathuria’s dental implants cases & Dr.Sween Kathuria’s cosmetic dentistry cases.


Hospitality…is the first word which truly marks the culture of Punjab. It was food, drinks & lectures (well..in preference order) at the 50th Punjab State IDA Golden Jubilee, ably hosted by Jalandhar Branch. Dr.Puneet Kathuria & Dr.Sween Kathuria were the keynote invited speakers at this conference held from December 3rd to 5th2010.Dr.Puneet Kathuria lectured on the Zirconia crowns in dentistry whereas Dr.Sween Kathuria had her audience with apt attention with smile designing cases with porcelain veneers.Led by IDA Punjab State President ,Dr.B.S.Parhar, an eminent Maxilofacial Surgeon of Jalandhar, it was truly a memorable experience at the Lily Resorts being a prefect venue for the conference.


Dr.Puneet Girdhar & Dr.Sachin Dev Mehta being the conference chairman & secretary resp, did a wonderful work of honoring all the past IDA Punjab State Presidents & Secretaries.Overall, a great experience.

Dr.Puneet Kathuria at the 4th AOI Conference in New Delhi.

Association of Oral Implantologists held their 4th National level AOI Conference on Dental Implants at Hotel Lalit, New Delhi from 21st to 23rd May-2010. Dr.Puneet Kathuria, a prominent Implantologist from New Delhi was amongst the galaxy of prominent speakers invited for this conference. Dr.Puneet Kathuria was amongst the keynote speakers on the main podium to address & share his experiences on Implant Prosthodontics. His topic was on the latest concepts on: Implants Prosthodontics-The Zirconia Crowns. Indeed, it’s the present & definitely the future to have CAD CAM facilitated Crowns/Bridges for implant supported teeth. The metal free CAD CAM facilitated Crowns & bridges over Implants are an integral part of Dr.Kathuria’s Multispeciality Dental Clinic in New Delhi. It was appreciated by a packed audience of prominent as well as budding Dentists from New Delhi,NCR & even states like Punjab, Haryana, UP,& Himachal.He was applauded for his excellent presentation skills & communication with the fellow dentists. Overall, Congratulations to the AOI team to put up a good show.

Dr.Puneet Kathuria was at Nobel Biocare production facility, situated in picturesque Yorba Linda in LA

Dr.Puneet Kathuria was at Nobel Biocare production facility, situated in picturesque Yorba Linda in LA. It’s a beautifully designed setup, which provides an insight, as to how the dental Implants are fabricated & dispatched worldwide.Dr.Puneet Kathuria, an eminent dental implants specialist from New Delhi, India was escorted by Mr.Barry of Nobel Biocare to show the step by step procedure of Dental Implants production.

They were happy to have Dr.Puneet Kathuria, one of the few trainers & mentors of Nobel Biocare Implants from India at their training facility as well. Overall, it was a great learning experience for him as well.

Speaker& Trainer for Nobel Biocare India

Nobel Biocare (India) Pvt. Ltd recently concluded its Nobel Fellow Programme-2009 in Dehradun (Uttrakhand).It was a 4 module training programme spread over 6 months & was well attended by practioners of Dehradun & around.
Prof (Dr).Puneet Kathuria, Prosthodontist from New Delhi and speaker& trainer for Nobel Biocare India was the mentor for this batch.

All the participating doctors successfully completed 2 Cases under his supervision, from planning & insertion of Implants to successfully loading & assessing it. The Fellow Programme covered 4 modules which ranged from introduction to implantology & material science, treatment planning & case selection, surgical phase of Implants placement, prosthetic phase of delayed loading, planning & execution of immediate loading & function and the advanced surgical module as well.

Thorough academic & clinical knowledge was imparted to all the participants, who made Nobel Biocare proud by successfully doing 2 cases from start to finish under the expert supervision & guidance of Dr.Kathuria. One case each was done with immediate function TM concept of Nobel Biocare.

All the surgical & prosthetic phases were done at the setup of the Nobel fellow programme participant, Prof. (Dr).Aashwini Dobhal, one of the leading practioner of Uttrakhand. He is the President of IDA Uttrakhand & member of DCI from the state as well. Nobel Biocare thanks the support of Dr.Dhobal for the same

.All the participants were awarded the Nobel Fellow Certificate after successfully completing the 6 months course.
After getting rave reviews from the participants about the course & the mentor, Nobel Biocare has decided to hold the 2nd batch of Nobel Fellow Programme under the mentorship of Prof. (Dr.) Puneet Kathuria in Dehradun & surrounding areas very shortly. Interested participants can call up Nobel Biocare representative of their areas or contact http://www.nobelbiocare.com/in/ for any help.

Indian Academy of Aesthetic & Cosmetic Dentistry (IAACD) national conference

Dr.Puneet Kathuria & Dr.Sween Kathuria were the part of “expert panel” & “Big Fight” at the recently concluded Indian Academy of Aesthetic & Cosmetic Dentistry (IAACD) national conference “back to the future”, held at Le Meridian, New Delhi on 30TH Oct till 1st Nov-09. Dr.Sween Kathuria was on the expert panel for smile designing session whereas Dr.Puneet Kathuria was a part of “Big Fight” on Metal-free restorations. Dr.Sween Kathuria was asked a lot of questions about smile designing by the moderators & the audience which she aptly answered professionally.Dr.Puneet Kathuria made a crisp presentation on Nobel Procera from Nobel Biocare-Sweden which highlighted the fact, why its one of the best metal-free restoration in the world. It was a well-attended conference with more than 200 participants across India, & was ably organized by Dr.Sushant Umre & his Team; in New Delhi. Dr.Puneet Kathuria & Dr.Sween Kathuria were also the part of the organizing team for IAACD “back to the future”.

Famdent show-09 held at Pragati Maidan, New Delhi

Dr.Puneet Kathuria & Dr.Sween Kathuria were the keynote speakers in Famdent show-09 held at Pragati Maidan, New Delhi. It was the first ever Famdent Show in New Delhi. They were the part of the faculty from New Delhi, adding the local flavor. Dr.Puneet Kathuria’s presentation on dental implants & Dr.Sween Kathuria’s presentation on the latest techniques on Composite restoration & bonding was well appreciated by the packed house audience.

Nobel Biocare special training programme for doctors in Dehradun

Dr.Puneet Kathuria finished the Prosthdontic module of Nobel Biocare special training programme for doctors in Dehradun. It was the third module of the Nobel fellow programme in Uttranchal capital.It was conducted at of one of the leading practioner of Uttranchal, Dr.Ashwani Dhobal’s clinic at Dehradun.

Speakers in Famdent Show- Mumbai- in October-09

Dr.Puneet Kathuria & Dr.Sween Kathuria would be the keynote speakers in Famdent Show- Mumbai- in October-09.They are the part of the invited faculty for the show, from Delhi.

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