Dr Puneet Kathuria, a well known Dental Specialist talks on Round table News X show

A little initiative goes a long way.. Lets Count our blessings…

Valentine’s day could not have been better. We had the pleasure to conduct workshop for the visually challenged. Workshop was conducted by our consultant Dr. Ali Atif Siddiqui and coordinated by Sushil Arora.
The visually challenged participants at Samarthanam Trust For Disabled, New Delhi; might not have a sight but their vision instilled a spirit of inspiration in us. The love we received from them was indeed an overwhelming experience for all of us.

World Food Day – Roti Bank.. Be A Partner For Zero Hunger

World Food Day – Roti Bank.. Be A Partner For Zero Hunger

Dr.Kathuria’s Dentistry, one of the best dental clinic in New Delhi, recently held the “mock fire drill” at their Clinic. It was an endeavor to train all the employees, how to deal with any emergency related to fire. It was done under the supervision of an expert fire fighter. The aim was to make the clinic safe from any fire eventuality & for the safety of the patients & employees.

Believe the ideology of Nobal Laureate Sh. Kailash Satyarthi to abolish child labour & to work for the up-liftment of children of our society.

Strongly support the initiative of “Swachh Bharat Abhiyaan…”

Bio-medical waste management. We owe it to our planet…