Immediate Dental Treatment in India

Teeth Cleaning

The problem of Erosion of teeth is a vast & extensive problem, which requires immediate Dental Treatment in India, specially.

The factors which cause this problem include the heavy consumption of Citrus fruits like Oranges & lemon, Yogurt, Citric & Soft Drinks. Their improper consumption & overuse may lead to devastating & permanent damage of the tooth structure caused by the ill effects of acids on to the enamel of the tooth, leading to Tooth Erosion.

Soft Drinks, which contain acids, breaks down the enamel by dissolving the mineral part of it, thereby thinning the tooth structure. Once it dissolves the enamel, the next layer, Dentin becomes exposed, leading to severe symptoms requiring immediate Dental Treatment in India specifically.

Dr. Kathuria, who does the Dental Treatment in India for such problems, recommends patients who eat & drink an acidic food & beverage to wait for about 15-20 min, let the acidic effect be minimal & then brush properly. Also, frequent consumption of foods which are low in ph like fruit juice, pickles, fresh citrus fruits, yogurt, lemon sucking habits etc should be avoided. If hot & cold foods & beverages cause pain & Sensitivity, it indicates tooth erosion & Dr. Kathuria’s Dentistry can provide Dental Treatment in India for such a kind of problem.

Dr. Kathuria’s Dentistry, Specialized in Dental Treatments Like dental implants, cosmetic dentistry, smile makeover, porcelain, crowns, dental bonding and more.

Innovative Dental Treatment in India Can Do A Lot More

Teeth Correction

To most people, Dental Treatment in India means teeth, which off course it is, but in turn do not forget about the fact that they are attached to the mouth, which in turn is a part of human body. Although, the Dental Treatment in India especially in rural & some part of urban may not be a priority in the great scheme of things, the health & appearance of teeth can greatly influence people’s lives.

Apart from helping us to eat our food, our teeth & our smile can greatly influence other people’s judgment of us, whilst extreme tooth ache can be extremely debilitating for the patient. Innovative Dental Treatment in India can do a lot more than just the extractions or fillings. Dentistry is going leaps & bounces in India. Dental treatment with many branches like Conservative Dentistry, Prosthodontics, Dental implants, Cosmetic dentistry, Periodontics, Orthodontics & Pedodontics provides specialist dental care to the patients.

Dental Treatment in India is rapidly changing profession & there is a continual need for the dentist to keep updated with the latest dental materials, techniques, technologies etc. Dentist In India must also be coordinated & good in their acumen & clinical hands to provide the best possible care to their patients.

Dr. Kathuria’s Dentistry, Specialized in Dental Treatments Like cosmetic dentistry, porcelain veneers, crowns, dental bonding.

Dental Porcelain Veneers Treatment Options in India

Porcelain and ceramic veneers

Dental porcelain veneers is an advanced treatment option in the field of Cosmetic Dentistry in India. In our modern competitive society, a pleasing appearance and a confident smile often plays a major role in ones lives. Dental porcelain veneers is one of the best ways of achieving a prefect natural smile. These veneers are made of ceramic or porcelain material, which now is most popular in India.

Porcelain and ceramic veneers are life like natural restoration, which tremendously improves the smile and personality of a person. Porcelain/ Ceramic veneers can make a tremendous difference to ones appearance in a matter of days and weeks when veneers are planned and produced expertly. These ceramic veneers are thin shells of porcelain, which are bonded to the front side of our natural tooth, recommended for teeth that are stained, chipped, slightly misaligned teeth  & effectively used to close spaces between your teeth, lengthen small or misshapen teeth, or whiten darkened teeth. Its is absolutely a painless procedure which requires only 2 visits spread over a period of about a weeks time. Dr. Kathurias Dentistry has the Porcelain Veneers treatment options in India.

A specialist in providing the porcelain veneers in India, we change the smile effectively.

Teeth Whitening Can Remove The Stains

ZOOM Teeth Whitening

Earlier days stained and discolored teeth used to make people suffer from social embarrassment or psychological trauma. But current changing trends in dental treatment in India no more pose any problem to have white, bright teeth that just make them feel great and positive about their appearance. Cosmetic dental treatment in India can provide both predictable and positive long-term results. Stains could be due to surface stains trapped in tooth micro cracks, or could be due to plaque that builds up on teeth over time or tartar. These can be effectively removed by professional scaling and polishing followed by Teeth Whitening. It is one of the most upcoming dental cosmetic procedures in India.

Dental treatment in India has given the Teeth whitening procedure a new dimension. Dr Kathuria’s Dentistry provides the worlds no. 1 Teeth Whitening treatment in India, the ZOOM 2 whitening system. In about an hour we can create whiter, brighter teeth!  Teeth Whitening can remove the stains caused by aging, coffee, tobacco, trauma or medication. It’s a completely safe, comfortable and painless procedure completed in an hour under supervision of trained dentist like Dr. Kathuria’s Dentistry in New Delhi, India. A bright sparkling  natural smile can make a big difference in any ones confidence. The Zoom-2 Chair side Whitening System makes it easier and faster than ever before.

Gingivitis Treatment at New Delhi, India

Laser Gums Treatment

Gingivitis is an ailment related to gums. In this condition the gums surrounding the teeth become swollen and red. This condition falls under the category of periodontal disease that may affect the tissues surrounding the teeth including bone, soft tissues, and gums. In some severe cases the gums also receded and the condition may also damage the teeth permanently. This condition is mainly caused due to poor oral hygiene, formation of periodontitis and gum diseases. Depending upon the severity of the condition, the dental specialists at Dr. Kathuria’s Dentistry offer gingivitis treatment. There are different types of treatments available ranging from non-surgical to surgical and extraction of damaged teeth.

The initial phase of gingivitis treatment is to visit our clinic based in New Delhi, India; where our dental specialists will do check-up thoroughly of your gums and teeth.

During the check-up, our dental specialists will perform the following:

  • The teeth of the patients will be cleaned professional which is a part of the treatment
  • Checking the formation of tartar on the teeth of the patients, including the gum line
  • Checking dental hygiene levels and formation of plaque
  • Detecting if there is any bleeding in the gums
  • Checking the severity of gingivitis and other periodontal diseases
  • Detecting teeth mobility
  • X-ray if required to gather further details

By considering the severity and degree of the disease, our dental specialists will offer necessary treatments. You might be area with the fact that this condition is a reversible disease. Enhancing the oral hygiene as directed by our dentists and with thorough professional cleaning, the problem can be alleviated till certain extent and help you to get rid from the disease quickly.

But, if the case is quite serious, then you will need medical attention to overcome from this medical condition. Remember, there is no such permanent treatment to reverse or treat the disease completely. Instead, the treatments offer by our dental specialists will hinder and slow down the progression of the disease. But, if the disease kept untreated, then the condition may become more serious and complicated later. So, it is better to seek for medical attention at early stage to avoid complications associated with the disease.

Root Planning and scaling is the initial treatment for gingivitis. In this procedure tartar and plaque are removed from surrounding surfaces and gum line. With root planning the gum lines will become smoother and it will become easier for you to clean the surface regularly. Therefore, there will be no chance of plaque build up if you clean regularly.

In severe cases, the dental specialists will recommend gum surgery in combination of antibiotics. In the surgical procedure, the dentists will clean the surface better and reshape the tissues. If the dentist discovers that the teeth have hopeless prognosis, then extraction is the only remedy for such situation.

Here’s What No One Tells You About Pyorrhea Treatment

Deep Gums Cleaning

You might have come across with the term “Pyorrhea”; it is a technical term that is used in dental world to describe gums disease. Another name of Pyorrhea is bleeding gums. When the gums health starts decaying and there is inflammation in the gums, then this condition occurs. In this condition the blood vessels under the gums widens and get ruptured easily. When the patient suffers from this medical condition they experience severe pain while chewing food and eating. The gums of the patient become very sensitive to spicy, cold and hot food. So, in most of the cases the patient needs to compromise with their regular diet and this causes deficiency diseases. If adolescent girls or pregnant women become victim of this ailment, then they may suffer from iron deficiency anemia. This ailment is also related with vitamin-C deficiency. In severe cases gum disease and tooth loss is common. So, it is always advisable to seek medical attention in early stage so as to combat against the ailment and get rid from it quickly. We at Dr. Kathuria’s Dentistry offer different types of Pyorrhea treatments by considering the severity and oral health of the patients.

Pyorrhea Treatment

We are well equipped with dental specialists who have decades of experience in treating this ailment. If the condition is diagnosed at early stage, then our dentist can easily treat the condition and repair the damaged gums. But, the teeth that are damaged cannot be repaired, especially if high level of Pyorrhea set in.

Along with the treatment we offer for this medical condition, the patients also need to follow the advice given by our expert dental specialists. It is important for the patients brush the gum lines properly and do floss between the teeth for at least two times a day. The patients with Pyorrhea need to brush their teeth gently with some high quality brushes. They need to brush the gum lines properly for at least 3 minutes. Floss is also equally important that the patients need to do regularly along with brushing their teeth. Floss between the teeth is very important.

If the patient with Pyorrhea fails to follow the advice given by your expert dental specialists then it may result in gum infection and tooth loss. In severe cases the patients also suffer from red and swollen gums and the teeth of the patients become more sensitive. Besides, their mouth starts giving strong bad breath. So, if you want to have beautiful looking teeth forever, then brushing and floss between the teeth is the ultimate gum treatment for this ailment. When you have any symptom of this condition, it is better to seek medical attention immediately and use anti bacterial mouthwash and brush your teeth regularly.

Braces: Orthodontic Treatment For Children & Adults

Cost of Clear Aligners

This section explains the various stages of a normal course of orthodontic treatment.

The First Consultation
During this visit the patient is examined clinically by our Orthodontist, Dr. RAHUL PAUL. This enables him to give advice on the treatment options available, when treatment should commence, the duration of treatment, and the approximate cost.
If the patient decides to proceed with treatment, an appointment is made to collect records.

Records include:

  • Impressions from which plaster models of the teeth are constructed.
  • Photographs of the teeth and face.
  • X-rays of the teeth and jaws.

Records allow the orthodontist to analyse each case accurately. They are also used to record the existing malocclusion for future reference.

Clear Braces

Treatment Planning
At this visit the orthodontist discusses the treatment plan(s), which have been formulated using information obtained from the first consultation and records.
Then, arrangements are made to commence treatment or, if it is too early, to review the patient periodically until it is an appropriate time to commence treatment.

Extractions and Other Preliminary Procedures
Sometimes it is necessary to remove teeth to gain sufficient space to align the remaining teeth. Any decayed teeth should be filled and the teeth sometimes need to be cleaned before orthodontic treatment is started.
The patient is referred back to the family dentist to have these preliminary procedures carried out. The cost of these procedures is not included in the orthodontic fee.


Braces are the most efficient and accurate way of moving teeth.

Braces (bands, brackets and wires) are usually made of stainless steel although clear brackets are available, usually at extra cost.

Fitting the braces usually involves two visits. Braces remain on the teeth for the entire duration of treatment.

Patients then attend approximately every 4-8 weeks for adjustments, wire changes, etc.

Rubber Bands and Headgear
During treatment, patients may need to wear such items as rubber bands and/or headgear with their braces. These items provide important extra forces for the correction of the bite.

How Long?
Orthodontic treatment usually takes 18 – 24 months. Some cases may be finished earlier and others may take longer to complete. The total treatment time depends on the severity of the original malocclusion, the type of treatment carried out, and the co-operation of the patient.

Dental Check-ups
Orthodontic patients should continue to attend their family dentist for regular check-ups during the course of orthodontic treatment.

At the completion of the active part of orthodontic treatment, the braces are removed and retaining appliances (retainers) are fitted to hold the teeth steady in their new position. These appliances may be removable plates or wires fitted behind the teeth.
Retainers play an important role in orthodontic treatment for, if they are not worn according to instructions, the teeth may move back towards their original position.

The Retaining Appliances Are Usually Worn:

  • Full-time for up to one year
  • Just at night for a further year
  • Phased out altogether over one more year

The corrected teeth are observed periodically for up to five years after the retainers have been phased out. During retention and the subsequent observation period, patients are expected to attend once or twice a year.

Orthodontics For Children

Q. At what age should a child have an orthodontic examination?
A. Age 7, unless you suspect a problem at an earlier age, because most facial asymmetries are likely to be apparent by that time. A timely screening will lead to extraordinary treatment benefits. For others, the principle benefit is peace of mind.

Q. Why are children being evaluated at such an early age?
A. Early diagnosis and treatment can guide erupting teeth into a more favorable position, preserve space for the permanent teeth and reduce the likelihood of fracturing protruded front teeth. Also, early treatment may shorten treatment time, make treatment easier and in some cases less expensive. It may even provide advantages that are not available later.

Q. Is orthodontic care expensive?
A. Orthodontic therapy may eliminate the need for other medical and dental treatment. The physical and psychological benefits usually last a lifetime, which makes orthodontics one of the best investments in healthcare and quality of life.

Q. What is the psychological impact of early treatment?
A. Appearance has been related to popularity, social behaviors, self-expectation, personality style, and self-esteem. Orthodontic therapy may lessen the likelihood that a child will be picked on by other children. Treatment may reduce appearance-consciousness and the emotional scarring that can occur during critical developmental years. Also, as adolescents enter the sensitive teenage years, they become far less receptive to orthodontic therapy.

Q. In addition to esthetic improvements, what are some other benefits of orthodontic therapy?
A. Additional benefits may include better function, improved clean-ability, more favorable wear patterns and greater longevity of natural teeth.

Q. Why is the growth spurt at puberty so important in orthodontics?
A. This is the time when much of the development of the face occurs. Treatment during this period allows the orthodontist to favorably influence the facial profile in a growing child. Once growth of the facial bones is complete, correction of skeletal discrepancies usually requires surgery.

Q. If I’m not sure about the need for orthodontics, how should the patient he managed?
A. If in doubt, refer. If you notice a problem and refer to a specialist, your legal and professional responsibilities are fulfilled. Also, an early referral can avoid more complex problems that may worsen with time.

Q. What’s the problem with waiting until the permanent teeth erupt to refer?
A. The problem may be one of opportunities missed with respect to growth and development. While patients can be treated at any age, those with available growth may enjoy a substantial advantage. Timely treatment may prevent the need for jaw surgery, extraction of permanent teeth, or fracture of protruded incisors. Early treatment may also help the psychological development. Patients also benefit from guidance of tooth eruption.

Orthodontics For Adults

Q. At what age is a patient too old for orthodontics?
A. Patients who have teeth and healthy supporting structures are never too old for orthodontic therapy. Age is not a factor.

Q. How can I tactfully approach an adult patient who could benefit from orthodontics?
A. Ask the question: “Are you happy with the appearance of your teeth?” The ill be your guide to further answer will be your guide to further development of the conversation.

Q. Why are adults seeking orthodontics in increasing numbers?
A. Many adults are receiving orthodontic care that was not available to them as children. They realize that improving the health of their mouths and the attractiveness of their smiles and facial appearances can result in changes for the better in their personal, social, and professional lives. Technical advances have also had an impact on adult therapy.

Q. What are some of those advances?
A. Advanced technology has produced small tooth-colored brackets that are barely noticeable. Specially alloyed wires are more comfortable, can speed up treatment, and may decrease the number of necessary appointments. New retainers can be placed where they do not show. Also, advanced surgical techniques now allow treatment of many skeletal problems after growth is completed.

Cost Effective Dental Implants Still A Dream in UK

Cosmetic Dentist in London UK

Go ahead, compare the price of teeth implants in UK and India and you would simply know why people are flying to India to get implants done. If any one wants to have an experience of budgeted dental implant treatment, then acquiring the services of Dr.Kathuria’s Dentistry in India is the best available option.

Dental implants in India are hassle free, pocket friendly and very easy!

Prominent Points That Make Indian Prosthodontists Hot Favorite

The amount of money that Dr. Kathuria is going to charge is half of what you would be paying to a dental surgeon in UK. If you want to protect yourself from the shock of hearing a dental implant fees, visit India and you will be provided with a quote that makes you happy.

Affordable, high quality and simple teeth implant services are available in India and this is a fairly good reason to make you come here!

Dental Tourism is What We Would Suggest You

Come to India with your family, enjoy the wonderful beaches, drench yourself in the scenic beauty and get affordable dental implants done. Doesn’t that sound great to you? If it does, then why are you still meddling to find affordably priced dental implants in UK? Don’t worry, we promise you complete care and surely make you know what kind of warm welcome Indians give to their guests.

We Are Here To Make You Save More For Your Trip

Dr. Kathuria's DentistryThe less we charge you, the more would be left in your pocket to enjoy your trip to India. We at Dr. Kathuria’s Dentistry promise you a heart throbbing smile and an easy on pocket price tag.

With us don’t worry about quality treatment; you are being treated by certified team!

Patient Education

Teeth Whitening

How To Brush Your Teeth?

Always use a soft toothbrush for thorough but gentle cleaning. After each meal, or at least twice a day.

Hold your brush at a 45-degree angle. Begin by brushing the outside of the front teeth. Use a gentle back-and-forth motion.

How To Brush Teeth?

Next, brush the outside back teeth, steering along the gum line.

How To Brush Teeth?

Inside back teeth: Use short angled brush strokes.

How To Brush Teeth?

Inside front teeth: title the brush vertically; use an up-and-down motion.

How To Brush Teeth?

Chewing surfaces: hold the brush flat. Use a gentle scrubbing motion.

How To Brush Teeth?

Important: always replace your old toothbrush at least every 3-4 months.

Alternative brushing: Please check out the electronic toothbrushes. They can achieve the unmatched cleanness.

How to Floss?

Wind 18″ of floss around your two middle fingers.

How to Floss?

Gently guide the floss between teeth.

How to Floss?

    1. To remove plaque and debris, gently move the floss up and down against the tooth.

How to Floss?

    1. As you move from tooth to tooth, use a fresh section of floss each time.

How to Floss?

Bad Breath

Bad breath, or halitosis, can be caused by many things. It may be the result of odor-causing foods, tooth decay, periodontal (gum) disease, continued mouth dryness, use of tobacco products, sinus or respiratory infections, some medical disorders, inadequate oral hygiene or some medications. Your dentist can help identify the cause and, if it’s due to an oral condition, can develop a treatment plan to eliminate this common source of embarrassment.

Hygiene-related causes for bad breath: What you eat affects the air you exhale. Certain foods, such as garlic and onions, contribute to objectionable breath odor. Once the food is absorbed into the bloodstream, it is transferred to the lungs, where it is expelled. Brushing, flossing and mouthwash will only mask the odor temporarily. Odors continue until the body eliminates the food. Dieters may develop unpleasant breath from infrequent eating.

If you do not brush and floss daily, particles of food remain in the mouth, collecting bacteria, which can cause bad breath. Food that collects between the teeth, on the tongue and around the gums can rot, leaving an unpleasant odor. Dentures that are not cleaned properly can also harbor odor-causing bacteria and food particles.

Diseases-related causes for bad breath: One of the warning signs of periodontal (gum) disease is persistent bad breath or a bad taste in the mouth. Periodontal disease is caused by plaque, the sticky, colorless film of bacteria that constantly forms on teeth. The bacteria create toxins that irritate the gums. In the advanced stage of the disease, that gums, bone and other structures that support the teeth become damaged. With regular dental checkups, your dentist can detect and treat periodontal disease early.

Bad breath is also caused by dry mouth (xerostomia), which occurs when the flow of saliva decreases. Saliva is necessary to cleanse the mouth and remove particles that may cause odor. Dry mouth may be caused by various medications, salivary gland problems or continuously breathing through the mouth. If you suffer from dry mouth, your dentist may prescribe an artificial saliva, or suggest using sugarless candy and increasing your fluid intake.

Tobacco products cause bad breath, stain teeth, reduce one’s ability to taste foods and irritate gum tissues. Tobacco users are more likely to suffer from periodontal disease and are at greater risk for developing oral cancer. If you use tobacco, ask your dentist for tips on kicking the habit.

Bad breath may be the sign of a medical disorder, such as a local infection in the respiratory tract (nose, throat windpipe, lungs), chronic sinusitis, postnasal drip, chronic bronchitis, diabetes, gastrointestinal disturbance, liver or kidney ailment. If your dentist determines that your mouth is healthy, you may be referred to your family doctor or a specialist to determine the cause of bad breath.

Caring for your smile: Eliminating periodontal disease and maintaining good oral health is essential to reducing bad breath. Schedule regular dental visits for a professional cleaning and checkup. If you think you have constant bad breath, keep a log of the foods you eat and make a list of medications you take. Some medications may play a role in creating mouth odors. Let your dentist know if you’ve had any surgery or illness since your last appointment.

Brush twice a day with a fluoride toothpaste to remove food debris and plaque. Brush your tongue, too. Once a day, use floss or an interdental cleaner to clean between teeth. If you wear removable dentures, take them out at night. Clean them thoroughly before replacing them the next morning.

Mouthwashes are generally cosmetic and do not have a long lasting effect on bad breath. If you must constantly use a breath freshener to hide unpleasant mouth odor, see your dentist. If you need extra help in controlling plaque, your dentist may recommend using a special antimicrobial mouth rinse. A fluoride mouth rinse, used along with brushing and flossing, can help prevent tooth decay. Look for products that carry the American Dental Association Seal of Acceptance. Products that display the seal have undergone strict testing for safety and effectiveness.


Tooth Sensitivity

Tooth sensitivity is a common problem for most people. Our teeth can be greatly affected by hot, cold, sweet, and sour food or drink. Over-enthusiastic brushing, recession of gums, gum disease (periodontitis) all can expose the soft, porous structure of the tooth (dentin), making it susceptible to external stimuli.

Pain can be mild and tingly or sharp and intense. This symptom sometimes is a sign for more serious diseases. Whenever you are suffering from pain of sensitivity, you should go see your dentist before it persists or worsens.

Tooth Sensitivity

Pain signal enters tubule through exposed dentin and excites the nerve.

Helpful Hints

A review of brushing techniques and diet can help reveal causes of sensitivity. Avoid over-brushing because it can cause damage to your teeth and/or gums. Sensitivity protection toothpaste works by blocking the opening of the exposed dentin or by preventing the transfer of the pain signal from the nerve to the brain.

You should feel relief by using sensitivity protection toothpaste for two weeks. If you stop brushing with this kind of toothpaste, the sensitivity pain may return.

Also, some prescribed desensitizing agents may help you. Consult your dentist about it.

Teeth Clenching (Bruxism)

What is bruxism?

Bruxism is the technical term for forcible grinding and clenching of the teeth. It usually happens at night, during sleep, although some people grind their teeth during the day as well.

How common is bruxism?

Most people who grind their teeth are over 25 years old, and the disorder affects women and men about equally. Children also grind their teeth, but usually in response to discomfort caused by colds, ear infections or allergies. Most cases of bruxism in children resolve on their own without causing tooth damage or other problems.

What causes bruxism?

Bruxism can have a variety of causes, but the most common are probably emotional factors such as daytime stress, anxiety, anger, pain and frustration. Certain sleep disorders can trigger grinding of the teeth as well. People who are competitive, aggressive, and rushed may also be at greater risk for bruxism. Lastly, alcohol and some types of medications may worsen tooth grinding.

Why bruxism can be a serious problem?

When you chew your food, your deliver a force of about 175 pounds per square inch (psi) to your teeth. But when you grind your teeth at night, there’s no food to absorb the impact, so the force on your teeth can be 300 psi or more. That’s enough to cause permanent damage to your teeth, including cracked and chipped enamel, hairline fractures, and even wearing down of the teeth to the gumline & loosning of the dental implant screws The enamel may become so worn that the inside of the tooth (called the dentin) is exposed. If bruxism isn’t treated, it can lead to gum damage, loss of both natural teeth and restorations, and other more complicated jaw-related disorders (such as TMJ known disorders). Over time, your teeth may become sensitive due to exposed dentin, and your jaws may even move out of proper balance. Grinding your teeth can also cause a wide variety of other symptoms including soreness and fatigue in your jaw and facial muscles, and earaches or headaches-especially when you wake up in the morning. There is no known cure for bruxism. Fortunately, with night-guard trays there are ways to reduce or stop your grinding and even ways to limit further damage and pain due to grinding.


Do You Grind Your Teeth?

How to find out if you’re grinding your teeth?

Because most bruxism happens at night, most sufferers aren’t even aware of it until a sleep partner mentions the noise or until a dentist notices that their teeth are damaged.

Here are some typical symptoms that may indicate nighttime teeth grinding:

Symptom checklist:

  • Jaw or facial pain and tenderness on awakening that lessens throughout the day
  • Headaches or earaches in the morning that go away as the day wears on
  • Spouse or sleep partner complains that the noise is keeping them awake at night
  • Teeth have become sensitive to cold, pressure, or other stimuli
  • Tips of teeth appear flattened

What to do if you think you may be grinding your teeth?

If you think you might be grinding your teeth at night, the first thing to do is visit your dentist to assess any possible damage. It’s essential to halt the course of the disease to prevent or arrest damage to your teeth, gums, and jaws.

Dental Diet

Proteins: Since most oral fluid is composed of proteins it is ideal to include proteins in your diet. These oral fluids act as cleansing agents for your teeth. Foods like a piece of cheese glass of milk, curds, paneer are advised especially after meals. They are good building blocks for muscles.

Fats: Limit fatty foods as it coats your tongue producing unpleasant odor or bad breadth.

Carbohydrates: Limit the intake of carbohydrates especially starchy foods like pastas, maida & biscuits since they stick between the teeth and are bacteria’s favorite. Bacteria’s feed on these sugars and produce acids which ultimately decay your teeth. So avoid sticky food & brush/rinse immediately after its consumption.

Fibers: A fiber rich diet is good for dental health. Biting and chewing on fibers cleanses your teeth and makes your mouth secrete more fluids. Biting on fruits like apples, pears and strawberries makes your teeth and gums strong. It makes the area ‘Self Cleansing”.

Water: Water neutralizes the mouth and prevents bad breadth by keeping it moist. Drink plenty of water to counter bad breath.

1. Avoid snacking at regular intervals. Instead munch on fruits in between meals.

2. Avoid fruit juices or soft drinks like colas since they have high sugar content and are acidic

3. Avoid highly artificial colored foods to prevent discoloration of teeth, especially after whitening.

4. Avoid black Tea/Coffee as its a potential discoloration agent.

Green Dentistry

Proteins: Since most oral fluid is composed of proteins it is ideal to include proteins in your diet. These oral fluids act as cleansing agents for your teeth. Foods like a piece of cheese glass of milk, curds, paneer are advised especially after meals. They are good building blocks for muscles.

Fats: Limit fatty foods as it coats your tongue producing unpleasant odor or bad breadth.

Carbohydrates: Limit the intake of carbohydrates especially starchy foods like pastas, maida & biscuits since they stick between the teeth and are bacteria’s favorite. Bacteria’s feed on these sugars and produce acids which ultimately decay your teeth. So avoid sticky food & brush/rinse immediately after its consumption.

Fibers: A fiber rich diet is good for dental health. Biting and chewing on fibers cleanses your teeth and makes your mouth secrete more fluids. Biting on fruits like apples, pears and strawberries makes your teeth and gums strong. It makes the area ‘Self Cleansing”.

Water: Water neutralizes the mouth and prevents bad breadth by keeping it moist. Drink plenty of water to counter bad breath.

1. Avoid snacking at regular intervals. Instead munch on fruits in between meals.
2. Avoid fruit juices or soft drinks like colas since they have high sugar content and are acidic

3. Avoid highly artificial colored foods to prevent discoloration of teeth, especially after whitening.

4. Avoid black Tea/Coffee as its a potential discoloration agent.

Dental Emergency

Your dentist should be the first person you call if you have a dental emergency. Most dentists set aside time for emergency procedures. Be sure to keep your dentist’s after-hours contact information readily available at all times.
Whether at home or traveling, the following tips can help you manage a dental emergency until you can get to the dentist. It is important to remember that with some dental emergencies, seeing a dentist within 30 minutes or less can mean the difference between saving or losing your tooth.

A knocked-out tooth is a dental emergency that requires urgent attention. If the appropriate emergency steps are followed immediately after the tooth has been knocked out, the chances are very good that the tooth can be reinserted and preserved by a dentist.

  • Pick up the tooth by the top (crown) of the tooth. Do not touch the root(s) of the tooth.
  • Rinse the tooth off very gently to ensure that it’s clean. Do not scrub the tooth or remove any tissue attached to it. Be sure to place a towel or washcloth in the sink so that the tooth does not go down the drain.
  • If you can, gently place the tooth back into the socket. Hold it gently in place while trying to bite down.
  • If you can’t place the tooth back in the socket, put the tooth in a small container or in a cup of milk. Note that the latter is preferable.
  • Call your dentist immediately, since getting to the dentist quickly with your tooth – in addition to following the steps above – is critical for saving the knocked-out tooth. The longer you wait to re-implant the tooth in its socket, the less chance you have of the tooth “taking” and remaining viable.

If you have a tooth that is loose or out of alignment, you should call your dentist for an emergency appointment right away. In the meantime, you can try to put the tooth back in its original position using your finger with very light pressure. Do not try and force it. You can bite down to keep the tooth from moving. Your dentist may want to splint the tooth to the adjacent teeth (the teeth on each side) to keep it stabilized.

If a tooth is chipped and doesn’t hurt, this usually does not constitute a dental emergency and you can wait a few days to see a dentist. However, it is important to be careful while chewing so as not to chip it more. Your dentist may simply be able to smooth the chip out, or add some composite filling material to repair the tooth. A cracked or fractured tooth is a serious issue constituting a dental emergency. Fractured or cracked teeth usually suggest that damage has occurred to the inside of the tooth as well as to the outside. Severe fractures are so extreme that the tooth cannot be saved. If you suffer a fractured tooth, call your dentist immediately for an emergency appointment and follow these steps:

  • Clean your mouth out by gently rinsing thoroughly with warm water.
  • If the fracture is caused by facial trauma, apply a cold compress to the area to minimize any swelling.
  • Take acetaminophen (not aspirin) according to the packaging directions to alleviate pain.
  • Never apply a painkiller to the gum because it can burn the gum tissue. This includes Orajel, which often is marketed for these types of procedures.

An X-ray will be needed in order for your dentist to properly diagnose the condition of your tooth. If the soft tissue inside of the tooth (the tooth pulp) is damaged, your tooth may need a root canal. If the pulp is not damaged, the tooth might only need a crown.

Some dentists make some of their permanent crowns in-office and place them in the same day; other dentists use an outside laboratory to make the crown. In this case you will have to wear a temporary crown while the laboratory makes a permanent crown. If the tooth cannot be saved, your dentist will inform you of the various alternatives for replacing missing teeth, such as implant-supported restorations and bridges.

Any type of injury inside the mouth, such as puncture wounds, lacerations and tears to the lips, cheeks, mouth and tongue, are considered tissue injuries and a dental emergency. If the bleeding is coming from the tongue, gently pull the tongue forward and place pressure on the wound using gauze. You should get to an oral surgeon or nearby hospital emergency room as quickly as possible.
To alleviate any type of facial pain associated with tissue injury, you can take acetaminophen as directed on the packaging label. Never take aspirin or ibuprofen for a dental emergency because they are anticoagulants, which can cause excessive bleeding.

Basically, any dental problem that requires immediate treatment in order to save a tooth, stop ongoing tissue bleeding or alleviate severe pain is considered a dental emergency. A severe infection or abscess in the mouth can be life-threatening and should be dealt with immediately. Your dentist might be able to perform the first stage of a root canal, or will refer you to an endodontist (root canal specialist) to open and drain the tooth and allow the abscess to drain. If your dentist can’t be reached, seek hospital emergency room care.

Being Prepared for a Dental Emergency

Because a dental emergency can happen at any time and place, the best thing to do is be prepared and don’t panic. Pack and keep with you a small dental first aid kit containing the following:

  • Small container with a lid
  • Name and phone number of your dentist
  • Acetaminophen (not aspirin or ibuprofen because they can act as a blood thinner and cause excessive bleeding during a dental emergency).
  • Gauze / Handkerchief


Medical Vacations in India

Porcelain and ceramic veneers

Medical Tourism is a concept or practice of travelling across international borders to obtain health care- be it a medical, dental or a cosmetic treatment. In the 21st century this fast growing phenomenon of medical vacations is fast changing the conventional concept of health care.

Today the perfect way to recover from an ailment is to combine quality treatment with a great vacation. The idea is that getting away from the daily routines into a different surrounding, close to nature helps you relax better.

With the health care costs skyrocketing in the developed countries, medical treatment has become a costly affair. Patients in these developed nations are increasingly looking for treatment options in countries like India, which offer similar or even better medical services at rates that are much more affordable.

And when these cheaper quality alternatives of treatment are combined with an inexpensive vacation package, it becomes an ideal healing experience. It’s a perfect way to renew your mind, body and soul.

Another reason that has led to the growth of medical tours is the long delay and waiting period for certain medical treatments in some countries. While in US you might have a waiting period of several months for certain surgical operations, in India it is done in a few weeks. People prefer to travel to India for such treatments, than wait for years in their home country and bear the inconvenience.

Moreover the ease and affordability of international travel, rapidly improving technology and high standards of medical care has all contributed their share in increasing the popularity of medical tourism in India.

This process of Healthcare tourism in India is being facilitated by the corporate sector in the medicine industry along with the tourism industry in the public and private sector. There are several medical tourism packages in India that promise you a world-class treatment along with an exotic holiday experience. They help you get the perfect mix of health, wellness, relaxation and fun.

India has some of the best healthcare professionals, and best treatment options available, and this fact is now known the world over. Millions of people travel across the globe and come to India every year to get treatments and enjoy their holidays. And when it comes to dental treatments, in particular, there is no better choice than Dr. Kathuria’s Dental Clinic. Dr. Kathuria’s Dentistry with its state-of-the-art facilities and experienced staff promises you a world-class treatment.

So next time you suffer from an ailment think about getting treatment and recovering in India while enjoying its scenic beauty and learning about the culture of this country.