Teeth Grinding (Bruxism) – Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Teeth Grinding (Bruxism)

Teeth grinding is one of the most commonly faced dental problems among patients across different parts of the world. You will often find individuals around you clenching their teeth knowingly or unknowingly. Grinding of teeth is also known as bruxism. Bruxism can be successfully treated if it is diagnosed quite early. In this article, you will find various aspects of teeth grinding starting from diagnosis of the teeth grinding condition to the treatment of teeth grinding.

Causes of teeth grinding:

Teeth grinding is caused because of the following factors based on the same. This is divided into awake and sleep bruxism.

Awake bruxism is mainly caused due to a range of emotions. This primarily includes stress, frustration or even excessive anger. At times, teeth grinding can also occur due to increased concentration levels in an individual.

Sleep bruxism is very common these days. It occurs at the unconscious level in an individual.

Symptoms of teeth grinding:

  • Increased sounds of teeth grinding which is audible to the nearby individual.
  • Chipped off teeth parts.
  • Feeling of pain in the jaws and around the teeth in the daytime.
  • Increased feeling of a dull headache.
  • Feeling more sleepy than routine due to deprived sleep.

If you note a few or all of these symptoms, then make sure that you visit your dentist as soon as possible. In case, you notice any of these symptoms in your child then make it a point to mention it during the next dental appointment.

Teeth Grinding treatment:

Teeth grinding or bruxism needs to be addressed and recognized before it’s too late. The most critical point about teeth grinding is that the individual himself needs to be aware of the fact that he clenches his teeth on a regular basis now. The treatment of the teeth grinding condition depends on the type of teeth grinding as mentioned above.

  •  Deal with stress: Stress is one of the unavoidable sources in one’s life. Also, it is one of the most proven reasons for the occurrence of grinding and clenching of teeth. Therefore, it is essential that one deals with stress positively and effectively. One can seek help from a professional to de-stress himself and prevent any further severe consequences of stress. Also, timely massage of your face, especially around jaws, calms the excessive functioning of the jaws after a certain period.
  • Mouth guards: Mouth guards are much essential and one of the most utilized treatments for the successful functioning of the teeth in a necessary way. For the best results and speedy recovery from teeth grinding condition of the patient, customized mouth guards are in high demand in the recent years, and it has lead to increased chances of cure of the state of teeth grinding. Along with improved functionality of the teeth, the patient also feels much comfortable than expected.


Thus, these are certain crucial aspects of teeth grinding procedure which need to understood and implemented with care.

What is The Zoom Teeth Whitening Procedure?

zoom teeth whitening near me

The Zoom Whitening procedure completion takes less than an hour, it’s including regular full mouth teeth cleaning & polishing prior to the actual Zoom teeth whitening session. Beginning of the procedure start with cover the lips and gums, leaving the teeth exposed. Then Zoom hydrogen peroxide whitening gel applies by dentist or dental assistant, which together works with the Zoom light to make a way into the teeth and disintegrate the stains and discoloration. The light is activated and the gel remains in place for 15 minutes. During this time, patient can relax, listen to music or watch TV. The gel is applied for three light activation sessions of 15 minute each, 45 minutes time for entire treatment.

Teeth Whitening CASES

Before and After Zoom Whitening

Zoom Teeth Whitening - Before
Zoom Teeth Whitening – Before
Zoom Teeth Whitening - After
Zoom Teeth Whitening – After

Zoom Teeth Whitening

Zoom Teeth Whitening - Before
Zoom Teeth Whitening – Before
Zoom Teeth Whitening - After
Zoom Teeth Whitening – After






Zoom whitening procedure is one of the most gratifying dental procedures which almost every time spreads smiles on the faces of patients. A 45 minutes comfortable procedure of teeth whitening is one of the most sought after dental cosmetic procedures at the top cosmetic dentistry destination of Delhi – Dr. Kathuria’s Dentistry.
Zoom Advanced Power Whitening is the teeth whitening system used by one of the best cosmetic dentist in India – Dr. Sween Kathuria. The holistic package of full mouth teeth cleaning, polishing, Zoom Advanced Power Whitening and a maintenance kit costs just Rs. 15000. Enjoy your Smile with Teeth Whitening at Dr. Kathuria’s Dentistry!

In this age of instant gratification, teeth whitening procedure is a popular cosmetic dental procedure which instantly gives a brighter smiles to the patients. Dr. Kathuria’s Dentistry, one of the most sought after cosmetic dental destination has the facility for instant teeth whitening – Zoom Advanced Power Whitening. 45 minutes of a comfortable procedure gives the best and instant results to the patients having yellow or discolored teeth. One of the top cosmetic dentist Dr. Sween Kathuria is the trainer for this system and been regularly doing it for past 12 years with great success stories.


Book your appointment with Dr. Kathuria’s Dentistry at 1800-11-7272 for your slot of Zoom Advanced Whitening.

Root Canal Treatment: Myths & Facts

Root Canal Treatment

Root canal treatments are one of most dreaded dental treatments. Whenever an individual is asked to visit a dentist, or he has severe pain and discomfort in his teeth, then he gets nervous, and worries pop up in his mind. Root canal treatment is the procedure in which the patient’s root canal is cleaned, and pulp is removed from it. It cures the constant pain and discomfort which is caused due to the presence of infected pulp in the root canal treatment.

Myth 1: Root canal treatment is painful

  • Fact: Root canal treatment is not a painful treatment it is performed to relieve the pain present in the particular tooth of the patient. There can be an excessive pain in the tooth of the patient due to the presence of an abscess below the tooth. Nowadays, advanced and highly effective anesthetics are utilized, so that the patients do not feel pain during their root canal treatment.

Myth 2: Root canal procedure costs high

  • Fact: Root canal treatment cost is an affordable one. You need not worry much about the costs of the treatment as the root canal treatment cost will vary across the city. So, you can get root canal treatment done effectively according to your budget. You need to understand that root canal treatment cost is much cheaper than of the tooth extraction procedure and bridges and on top of it you save your natural teeth. Therefore, it is recommended to opt for root canal treatment to save your tooth.

Myth 3: It is better to get tooth extraction done than root canal treatment

  • Fact: Dentists usually recommend root canal treatment over tooth extraction due to its long-term results. In fact, after the removal of the damaged pulp in the particular tooth, the life of the tooth increases manifold. Therefore, instead of the extraction of the entire tooth and replacing it with a denture or dental implant. This helps you keep your natural teeth restored and functioning in aesthetics and chewing food.

Myth 4: Root canal treatment requires several visits to the dentist

  • Fact: Gone are the days when you had to visit your dentist several times to get your root canal treatment completed. Now, you can get your root canal treatment completed just within one appointment, all thanks to the modern dental technologies. So, you need not worry regarding the time you need to invest in your root canal treatment.

Myth 5: Root canal procedure is not effective in some cases

  • Fact: According to the latest findings, root canal treatment has 95% success rates. Root canal treatment’s success rates mainly depend on the expertise of the root canal specialist or endodontist in dealing with complicated root canal cases. To ensure that a root canal treatment is successful, proper cleaning and shaping of the root canals are vital along with sealing of the root canals.

Myth 6: Tooth sensitivity remains later

  • Fact: Tooth sensitivity is one common symptom in a tooth which requires root canal treatment. After the completion of the root canal procedure, tooth sensitivity vanishes, and this provides relief to the patient. So, you can understand that the root canal procedure is useful to the patients in permanently curing tooth sensitivity.

Myth 7: Infections after Root canal treatment are common

  • Fact: Re-Root Canal Treatment can occur after failure of root canal treatment due to reinfection, but they are not common. No dentist will guarantee that reinfection will occur in the tooth even after years of successful completion of the root canal procedure. In case, if infection occurs in and around root canal treatment, then you need to opt for the root canal treatment again.


So these are the most common myths of root canal treatment and the facts of the same. It is essential that every patient knows about the root canal treatment’s myths and facts for ease and comfort concerning the procedure.

12 Teeth Problems with Pictures. Number 10 is Common

Root Canal Treatment

In the modern times, it is important to understand there are several teeth problems which have a high probability of occurrence in most of the individuals. Therefore, it is essential to know these teeth problems so that they can prevent as well as treated well on time.

Here are the 12 teeth problems which are seen in the dental patients in today’s time.

  1. Dental Caries or Cavities: Dental caries or cavities are the most commonly occurring teeth problems in the latest times. This is because most of the individuals do not take care of their teeth as they stick to their unhealthy eating habits and lifestyle. Therefore, teeth problems need to be dealt at the right point of time so that it does not affect the tooth.Dental Caries or Cavities
  2. Bad Breath: This is something which most of the individuals are scared of. No one wants to have bad breath from their mouth. But bad breath is found in most of the dental patients these days. Poor oral hygiene leads to bad breath. It is important to understand the keeping teeth and tongue clean will help cure bad breath in the long term. Also, you can get regular scaling done from time to time.Bad Breath Treatment
  3. Teeth Grinding: Teeth grinding or bruxism is caused due to stress. These days teeth grinding has increased since stress levels have increased these days. It can occur during sleep as well as when the individual is awake and in stress.Teeth Grinding
  4. Tooth Sensitivity: When a cold or hot food or beverage comes in contact with the teeth, an individual feels sensitivity to the respective tooth. Incomplete filling, broken teeth are more susceptible to tooth sensitivity.Tooth Sensitivity
  5. Wisdom Teeth Eruption: If you are a young adult, then wisdom teeth eruption may have troubled you. Since these last teeth in the tooth sequence try to make space for itself while erupting, it leads to swelling as well as pain in the process. It can be treated with a timely diagnosis of the status of the eruption of the wisdom teeth.Wisdom Teeth Eruption
  6. Tooth Infection: This can be seen in different dental patients. It is also known as root disease. It occurs when the pulp of the teeth is affected. Root canal treatments do an excellent in preventing the extraction of the particular tooth and curing the pain and symptoms.Tooth Infection
  7. Discolored Teeth: Discolored or stained teeth occurs due to the eating habits as well as unbalanced oral hygiene practice. It can be dealt with opting proper oral hygiene schedule and practicing it correctly.Discolored Teeth
  8. Tooth Erosion: When teeth come in contact with acids in foods, it leads to tooth erosion. It can also be due to some medications, juices and dry mouth. The back portion of the upper and lower teeth are commonly affected with tooth erosion.Tooth Erosion
  9. Cracked Teeth: Tooth erosion can lead to cracked teeth. It can also occur due to accidents. Restorative and Aesthetic treatments help in the treatment of this teeth problem.Cracked Teeth
  10. Gingivitis & Periodontitis: Most of the times gingivitis which is an initial stage of gingivitis leads to periodontitis with more severe effects. Proper oral hygiene with scaling and root planning will help to cure this gum problem.Gingivitis - Periodontitis
  11. Hyperdontia: Presence of more or supernumerary teeth causes difficulty to the patient in teeth functioning as well as in aesthetics. Therefore, these teeth need to be removed by the dentist according to the case of the patient.Hyperdontia
  12. Malocclusion: Lack of proper sequence can be seen in many patients. Proper orthodontic treatment will provide an excellent new look to the smiles of the patients.Malocclusion

It is essential to know these teeth problems so that they can prevent as well as treated well on time.

How You Can Get Rid Of Your Teeth Gap Problems Quickly?

Gap Closure with Porcelain Veneers / Crowns & Bridges in Delhi, India

Aesthetics play a major role in the complete satisfaction of the patient on his smile. Patients face teeth gap problems due to various reasons. It includes natural arrangement patterns, deformations due to accidents, dental treatments like extractions and much more. Most of these lead to the formation of gaps in between the teeth in the patient’s mouth. Therefore, it is essential to prioritize the treatment plans of these patients and ensure proper gap closure.


The gap closure is done with the help of various orthodontic treatments known as braces. Braces are available in different types. It includes traditional braces, invisible braces, ceramic braces and lingual braces.


  1. Traditional braces: The traditional braces i.e. Metallic braces are used since years. Orthodontists have most of the patients who choose the traditional braces for their aesthetic and gap closure treatments. These braces are visible when patients smile. The best part is that patients with a lower budget for their dental treatments can also afford to choose traditional braces treatment.
  2. Invisible braces: Invisible braces are one of the latest advancement of the braces. The primary focus of the invisible braces is provided optimum aesthetics to the patients along with correction of the gap closure. It makes Invisalign one of the favorite options for patients who have the real budget for their dental treatments. Also, these are the removable braces which can be removed as per the comfort of the patient. This prevents the patients from feeling stressed with the continuous presence of the braces in the mouth.
  3. Ceramic braces: These are tooth-colored braces. They are also known as clear braces. It is preferred since the visibility is much less when the patient smiles than that of the metallic braces. The best part is that the ceramic braces have an appreciable amount of strength and usually do not chip off.
  4. Lingual braces: These function similar to the traditional ones. Just that they are placed in such a way that they are not visible when the patient’s smile is seen from the front. It is one of the best options for patients who have a habit of maintaining their teeth in a better way.


Thus, gap closure can be done easily with the help of these different types of braces customized according to the patient’s requirements. This ensures that patients can get new smiles created in the least possible time.

Use of Cerec CAD/CAM Technology in Dental Treatments

Cerec CAD-CAM Technology

In the times of advanced technology and evolving dental procedures, Cerec is one of the latest and most beneficial dental inventions in the most recent times. Patients since decades complain regarding the excessive time consumption of their dental appointments. Now, this has become far less time consuming with the help of the Cerec. Crowns are quite commonly performed dental procedures in the latest times. The aesthetic awareness of the individuals across the different parts of the world has made it quite famous and in demand in the recent times. Cerec serves the purpose of secure and faster development of the crowns for the patients.


Now patients can get their crowns made in just one appointment. So, they need to have any complaints regarding the slow dental procedures. One of the best features of using Cerec in the dental clinic is that it ensures that you need not wait for your crown for long after the commencement of the dental procedure. The salient feature of Cerec is that it utilizes the CAD-CAM as well as infrared technology in combination to achieve the best results. In the traditional crowns, the warranty time is much less than that of the Cerec manufactured crowns. So, you can observe that Cerec technology is a unique technology for the successful manufacturing of the better quality and improved aesthetics crowns in today’s time.


Every individual wants to get their dental treatments done in the least possible period. This ensures that you can focus on the results and achieve them successfully. Patients can even get the crowns delivered at their place if they have severe time constraints for visiting the clinic. This makes Cerec quite successful in case of the patients who are short of time as well as require quite natural looking efficient crowns for their broken or root canal treated tooth. This German technology has also ensured that advanced software is utilized for the manufacturing of the crowns for the patients. Patients can let the dentist know regarding their crown material, and color choices and accordingly Cerec provides the ultimate result in the form of finished crowns.


Patients can chew with freedom like that of their natural teeth without facing any excess pressure on their remaining and opposite teeth. This is a great relief for the lab technicians too as now they can utilize the Cerec technology to provide patients the best crowns for their teeth.

NTI Device Night Guard For A Peaceful Sleep

NTI Device Night Guard

In today’s time, several individuals face difficulty in having a peaceful sleep. This leads to the requirement of use of some practical solution to the cause of the disturbing sleep. Bruxism is one of the prominent reasons for lack of sleep in any age. The person himself at times does not know that he has the habit of bruxism. Bruxism is a condition in which the individual usually unknowingly clenches or grinds the teeth. It is most of the times caused due to the increased stress and anxiety in various spheres of daily lives. It is quite common among the teenagers and adults in today’s time.


NTI Device Nightguard is a practical solution for the individuals with bruxism. It has proved to be much helpful in curing bruxism. There are several benefits of the NTI night guard device. This leads to the eventual cure of the bruxism among individuals of different ages. It is a plastic device which is placed on the two front teeth. It is devised to prevent a headache as well as a migraine. Continuous clenching and grinding usually lead to such type of pain an discomfort. The structure of the NTI night guard is created in such a way that it can be modified according to the canines and molars. In this way, this night guard device can be customized depending on the patient’s case requirements.


It is useful in preventing excessive pressure on the teeth. This way, the teeth of the individual is safeguarded with the help of the NTI night guard and prevent any unnecessary degradation of teeth structure. The results of the NTI night guard are worth appreciating as it leads to the reduction in the clenching habit while the person is in sleep. If you have any query regarding the best usage of the NTI night guard in your case then just make sure that you feel free to ask and clear your doubts. This will help in understanding the right usage without any hassles.


Several individuals have achieved success in their cases of bruxism with the help of the NTI night guard device. So, it is essential to consult your dentist regarding the ongoing progress in the case of bruxism. This will help you in knowing the development as well as curing the bruxism. Follow-ups are an essential part of ensuring the success of the NTI night guard for the treatment of the bruxism.

Thus, if you are facing any condition of bruxism then make sure that you are opting for the NTI night guard device to treat your condition. In this way, you will soon be able to relieve yourself from the habit of bruxism.

Oral Medicine Speciality

Oral Cancer Detection Medicine

Oral medicine is one of the vital specialties in the field of dentistry. It is such a specialty of dentistry which ensures excellent and essential connection with other specialties of dentistry as well as medical specialties. A dentist can understand the medical complications in the respective dental patient with the help of the oral medicine niche. So, it has taken a crucial place in the diagnosis sector in the health care field.


Once a patient visits a dental clinic or hospital, the first and foremost step which is carried out is the checkup of the oral cavity along with the obtaining a detailed medical history of the patient. In this way, the dentist can take the right step since the start regarding deciding the treatment plan for the respective patient. Oral medicine field of dentistry thoroughly helps to create a customized treatment plan for the patients thus providing them the required treatment based on their dental condition as well as an overall health condition. This niche of dentistry purely blends the fields of medicine and dentistry in the best possible ways for the benefit of the patients from the start for the long term. In this way, patients can easily know the series of treatment they need to undergo to successfully cure their dental problems.


Pharmacotherapeutics are dealt in the best way with the help of the niche of oral medicine. Your dentist will ensure that you consume only the required medications for your dental treatments based on your medical complications if there are any present ones in the particular individual. Clinical research associated with any details of the case of the patients is completed in the niche of oral medicine. Vital tissue staining, biopsy, as well as cytology is done for the patients who have various medical complications or any oral disorders present in the patient. The dentist can explain and discuss with the patient regarding the respective oral health condition and required treatment to be carried out for the welfare of the patient’s health. This will improve the communication in between the patient and the dentist in the long term. Cancer patients and medically compromised patients are managed with the help of the proper implementation of care and timely monitoring of the patients.


Thus, oral medicine niche of dentistry is capable of solving different areas of dental problems in patients with their health problems.

Saliva and Oral Health

Saliva and Oral Health

Saliva is a vital fluid in our body and plays a crucial role in several activities associated with the oral health of the individual. It is a fluid which is the lifeline of the mouth. Saliva ensures the maintenance of the health of the tissues present in the mouth. Along with this, it also provides proper digestion and infection control in the individual’s body.


Saliva mainly consists of the water majorly and the remaining part as amylase and proteins. It is released from the salivary glands present around the oral structures. This leads to the constant availability of the saliva in the mouth. The ducts present around such structures are responsible for carrying the saliva across the mouth. The secretion of the saliva from the salivary glands is increased mainly during the consumption of foodstuffs.


Our oral health is majorly monitored and modified with the presence of the saliva. There are various benefits of the saliva in the mouth which makes it quite essential in the mouth. It protects the teeth from the bacteria coming in contact with the teeth on a daily basis. Saliva covers the teeth, thereby keeping the bacteria away from affecting the teeth and causing damage in the form of dental caries. While eating foods consisting of carbohydrates, the components of these foods tend to stick to the surfaces of the teeth. Saliva prevents the sticking of the foods to the teeth thus ensuring prevention of the occurrence of decayed teeth.


When we eat foods, saliva helps in breaking down the foods thus aiding in the digestion of the foods in the body. In this way, it becomes easy for the food to get digested in the internal structures of the body without causing any difficulty. Here, amylase present in the saliva comes into play for helping in the breakdown and digestion of the foods. It also eases the swallowing of the food particles after it’s breakdown in the mouth. Once you start chewing the secretion of saliva increases in the mouth.


Saliva is widely used as a source for diagnosis for several diseases like oral cancer, hepatitis as well as bacterial infections. If an individual does not have sufficient saliva secretion, then it is recommended to utilize chewing gums for normal saliva secretion in the mouth. This also prevents the occurrence of the conditions like dry mouth. When there is regular secretion of saliva and proper presence of the saliva, then the oral cavity remains healthy.


Thus, saliva is a significant component in keeping the oral cavity healthy on a regular basis.

How Does Tobacco Affect Your Oral Health and Teeth?

Tobacco Affect on Oral Health and Teeth - Gum Treatment

Our teeth require routine care and maintenance to stay healthy and well functioning for an extended period. It includes monitoring our lifestyle as well as daily habits which have a significant impact on the overall oral health and teeth. There are various common habits which gradually take a toll on the health of the mouth and condition of the teeth of the individuals. This includes smoking and tobacco chewing.


Our teeth are affected in different ways due to the consumption or smoking of tobacco. This includes discoloration of teeth, bad breath as well as several gum diseases. So you can see that how regular use of the smoke can negatively affect your teeth and other oral structures. When tobacco is consumed, or smoking is done, it fades away the natural color of the teeth thus turning them into yellow initially and later dark brown depending on the amount of the tobacco consumed on a regular basis. Bad breath which is also known as halitosis is quite common these days due to the increased consumption of the tobacco, especially in men. When an individual smokes, the particles get deposited in the respiratory tract which eventually leads to bad breath. The individual comes to know regarding it when the condition starts worsening.


Gum diseases affect many individuals of different age groups. The teeth of the individual get deposited with tartar which thereby turns into plaque and calculus. It leads to weakening of the teeth support and leads to periodontal diseases. In severe cases, excessive swelling of the gums and visible calculus in the individual’s mouth. It also affects the blood flow to the gums which also aids in the cause of the periodontal diseases in the individual with the habit of smoking or tobacco chewing. It leads to the increased mobility of the teeth which eventually leads to the loss of the teeth. This happens quite often in the individuals in the young age who consume tobacco quite regularly. Oral cancer is commonly seen in the individuals who smoke on a regular basis or chew tobacco in their daily routine. If the initial symptoms are detected at the right time, then the condition can be dealt in the best way.


The habit of smoking and tobacco chewing need to be gradually removed to reverse the condition of the patient as much as possible in the upcoming time. It requires constant support and counseling. Regular scaling procedures and checkups will ensure aid in keeping the individual’s teeth and oral structures at an improving level.