What to Do When Bacteria Get Under a Dental Crown?

dental crown infection treatment in india

Crowns, often referred to as caps, are commonly used after root canal treatment to provide substantial protection to the enclosed tooth. However, what many people may not realise is that the tooth beneath the crown can also become infected. There are two major reasons for decay. Firstly, not all infected tissue was completely removed from the root during the cleaning process. Secondly, if the crown is not placed correctly, it may allow water and food to enter, leading to decay.

So, if you suspect decay under a crown, it’s time to seek the best dental crown infection treatment in India. To help you recognize when it’s essential to consult a dentist, we have outlined the signs to watch for, how to treat the issue, and tips to prevent it.


The most common symptom of a decayed tooth under a crown is pain. The tooth structure underneath experiences excessive decay in the form of cavities, or the infection may spread to the pulp and nerves. As a result, the pain could also increase depending on the severity of the decay. However, apart from this, there are other signs that can be experienced, including:

  • Tenderness around the crown
  • Sore gums
  • Bad breath
  • Swelling around the crown
  • Yellow or clear discharge near the crown
  • Running a fever
  • Sensitivity when consuming hot or cold food.

Note: You should keep in mind that ignoring these symptoms can lead to serious complications.

Tips to Keep a Crowned Tooth Healthy

  • Always maintain oral hygiene by brushing your teeth twice a day.
  • When you notice even minor damage to your crown, consult a dentist promptly.
  • Avoid activities that could compromise the crown’s integrity.
  • Schedule an annual appointment with your dentist to have your crown inspected.
  • If you have a ceramic or porcelain crown and you notice a black line, visit your dentist promptly.

How to Treat Decay Under a Crown?

Dentists treat cavities under the crown by removing the cap and filling the hole with various materials such as composite resin, amalgam, and others. This filling helps restore your tooth’s strength. However, depending on the severity of the decay, your dentist may recommend getting a new crown to cover a larger area. In some cases, the dentist might recommend tooth extraction and replacement with an artificial tooth. Therefore, there are treatments available to address decaying teeth; the best approach is to follow and maintain proper oral hygiene to save yourself from unnecessary worry and expenditure.

The Bottom Line

Untreated tooth decay, whether in your mouth or under a dental crown, can lead to unpleasant effects. Whether visible or hidden, cavities in a tooth can cause bad breath or halitosis. So, if you want to take good care of your dental crown, schedule an appointment with Dr. Kathuria’s Dentistry. We provide various types of dental canal treatments to restore damaged teeth. Give us a call to learn about the cost of cosmetic teeth contouring, cleaning, whitening, and any other treatments you’re seeking.

Foods and Drinks You Must Avoid After Teeth Whitening

Foods and Drinks You Must Avoid After Teeth Whitening

Nowadays, getting a brighter smile and increasing your self-confidence can be achieved with teeth whitening procedures, a popular choice. You can even get the results you want faster with take-home tray systems or in-office professional whitening.

However, there are things you’ll need to do to ensure that your teeth stay white. Once you’ve got a teeth whitening treatment from the best clinic for teeth whitening in South Delhi, you’ll have to be extra cautious with the food you indulge in. 

 Your teeth become somewhat more porous as a result of the whitening procedure, which also momentarily damages the dentin layer underneath. Because of this, new stains and discolorations may appear on those sensitive teeth when dyes and pigments from particular foods and drinks come into contact with them. 

For the first 48 hours following treatments, avoid the following six foods and drinks to prevent this from happening.

Coffee and Tea

Tannins are a chemical found in both tea and coffee. These tannins have a severe darkening effect on teeth when they accumulate. Following a professional whitening procedure, your teeth become more porous, which means that these tannins can discolour your teeth more quickly.

White and Red Wines

Wines have the potential to damage enamel and tooth colour. Red wine, in particular, with its high acidity and black pigment, can erode or stain. Even though it’s less strong, white wine might damage your freshly whitened teeth by weakening the enamel even more.

Soft Drinks

Soft drinks may be best to avoid it if it fizzles. Carbonated beverages have a lot of sugar and acid, which can erode dental enamel. Colas with a dark colour can also cause surface stains. Even if you’re not on the White Diet, you may still have healthier, whiter teeth by avoiding soft drinks.

Chocolate and Candies

Refined sweets can cause discolouration, erosion, and damage, particularly if your teeth are still sensitive after teeth whitening. After your surgery, make sure you stay away from chocolate and artificially coloured candy.

Dark Fruits or Vegetables

Richly saturated with colours that can discolour teeth are dark fruits and vegetables. This is why you should stay away from foods like blackberries, blueberries, cherries, grapes, pomegranates, carrots, purple cabbage, beets, and dark, leafy greens like spinach after having teeth whitening therapy.

Sweet Treats

Treats like cakes, cookies, candies, chocolate, ice cream, and other confections with refined sugars can exacerbate cavities, erosion of the enamel, discolouration, and tooth decay—especially if your teeth are still sensitive after teeth whitening.

Explore Your Teeth Whitening Options at Dr. Kathuria’s Dentistry

There are a lot of solutions available nowadays for teeth whitening when it comes to keeping a bright and confident smile. At Dr. Kathuria’s Dentistry, we are a team of experts dedicated to providing cutting-edge dental care and instant teeth whitening in South Delhi. With our state-of-the-art technology and professional expertise, we ensure a safe and effective whitening process tailored to your unique needs. Schedule an appointment with us to get your treatment started today.

Root Canal Aftercare: Steps for Ensuring Long-Term Oral Health

A root canal procedure, often seen as a last resort to save a severely infected or hurting tooth, can turn things around for your dental health. However, the process isn’t complete once your appointment is done. Proper aftercare is crucial to ensure your recovery goes smoothly and to prevent any future issues.

Understanding Your Root Canal Treatment

You may need a root canal to treat infections and deep decay in one of your teeth. When the soft inner parts of your tooth, called the nerve and pulp, become inflamed or infected from decay, trauma, cracks, or repeated dental work, a root canal is often needed. Symptoms like sensitive teeth, swollen gums, or pain while chewing could mean it’s time for this treatment.
During the procedure, your root canal treatment specialist in Delhi will remove the infected nerve and pulp, thoroughly clean, and then seal the inside of your tooth. Not completing this treatment could lead to ongoing infections, swelling near the bone, bone loss, and other problems impacting your oral health.

Taking Care of Your Tooth After the Root Canal

Taking Care of Your Tooth After the Root Canal

Following your root canal directions is important for effective healing and avoiding discomfort. Caring for your tooth afterwards has three key phases: immediately after, a few days later, and long-term care moving forward.

Right After Your Appointment

Once your root canal is done, residual numbness from anaesthesia may last a few hours. Be careful during this time, and avoid biting down on the treated tooth or having anything too hot that could burn you. Also, take any prescribed meds as directed by your root canal treatment specialist in Delhi and don’t push on the treated area.

In the First Few Days

During your initial recovery, it’s important to reduce swelling and not put pressure on the tooth. Choose soft, easy-to-eat foods that don’t require a lot of chewing to minimise pain. Be sure to gently brush and use mouthwash to prevent infections.

Pain management is critical, too. Follow all anti-inflammatory and pain relief medication as prescribed to help any discomfort as healing progresses.

Ongoing Care Moving Forward

You’ll need follow-up visits to complete your treatment. Temporary fillings may need replacing with a dental crown later to ensure the long-term health and function of your tooth. Not following up could lead to further damage or issues, so consistent care is vital for efficient and smooth recovery.

For Painless RCT in Delhi, Trust the Experts at Dr Kathuria’s Dentistry!

Looking to get a root canal treatment with little to no discomfort? If so, we at Dr Kathuria’s Dentistry have expert endodontists who are trained in advanced dental techniques to make your visit to the dentist a breeze. See why thousands have come to trust Dr Kathuria’s Dentistry for painless RCT in Delhi, and book your appointment now!

The Common Misconceptions of Root Canal Treatment

Root Canal Treatment specialist in South Delhi

A root canal is an excellent endodontic procedure that can preserve your natural teeth and enhance your dental health in general. But what is stopping you from getting a root canal done? Well, those myths surrounding the process, right? Don’t worry; to provide you with the information needed to make an informed decision regarding your oral health, here are some of the most prevalent myths about root canals that have been debunked. However, it is also always advised to consult with the best root canal treatment specialist in South Delhi and other areas before making any decisions about your dental care. Now, let’s dispel these myths and empower you with accurate information:

Myth: Extracting teeth is a good substitute for root canal therapy

Fact: Patients may choose to have their teeth extracted instead of undergoing an additional root canal procedure to save time and money. Unfortunately, they may be unaware that tooth extraction can later necessitate more complex treatments and expensive dental replacements, ultimately costing them more in the long run and impacting their oral health.

Myth: Root Canals are Very Painful

Fact: The most widespread misconception regarding root canal therapy is that it is excruciating. In reality, modern dentistry practices employ anesthetics, cutting-edge tools, and other techniques to ensure patients experience minimal pain or discomfort. After removing the damaged tissue and nerve endings from the dental pulp, root canal therapy effectively alleviates the agony of toothaches.

Myth: The Roots of Your Teeth are Removed

Fact: The belief that the dentist will extract the roots of your teeth during the treatment is another popular fallacy. In truth, the root canal specialist meticulously removes any remaining dental pulp from the tooth without causing damage to the roots underneath, preserving the structural integrity of your natural tooth.

Myth: It’s a Long Process

Fact: Your endodontist will consider several factors when designing a retreatment plan for root canal treatment. While most root canals can be completed in one appointment, certain situations with infection and inflammation may necessitate two visits. Following a root canal, the tooth needs to be restored, and it is recommended to see your regular dentist for follow-up.

Myth: Root canals require multiple appointments

Fact: With the advanced and new methods, most root canals can now be completed in a single 60–90 minute visit. However, some root canal procedures may require two appointments, depending on the type and extent of the infection. Our in-house endodontist ensures comprehensive care, reducing the need for multiple office visits.

Myth: A root canal is an expensive procedure

Fact: Removing a tooth and then replacing it with a bridge or dental implant is still more expensive than getting a root canal and dental crown. The number of canals a tooth has, whether it is the initial root canal or retreatment, and the type of root canal (regular dentist vs. expert) all affect how much it will cost.

Schedule an Appointment With Us

In summary, root canal therapy is considered one of the safest and most effective endodontic treatments. If you want to improve your overall health, consider Dr. Kathuria’s Dentistry. Our doctor, Dr. Puneet Kathuria, is renowned for providing exceptional dental care that reflects his excellence. You can also contact us via text or phone call to learn more about the procedure and schedule an appointment.

Gummy Smile Solutions: Find the Right One for You

Gummy Smile Solutions

Have you ever caught a glimpse of your smile and felt bad about how much gum is visible? Or is your search history filled with questions like “how to correct a gummy smile? You are not alone. A gummy smile leaves many feeling insecure, but rest assured that effective solutions exist.

What is a gummy smile?

An excessive gum display, typically 2-3mm or more above the teeth, defines a gummy smile. This can negatively impact one’s confidence, especially in social settings. It has been found that women tend to be more affected, though heredity also plays a role. Parents often pass the trait to their children.

So, what causes this issue? 

There are several factors that contribute to the gummy smile, such as a short upper lip, teeth placement issues, strong muscle movement, or vertical facial bone structure. As a result, a gummy smile draws too much attention upward. Thankfully, modern dentistry has proven that with the proper treatment, a happy smile can shine through naturally.

How to Correct a Gummy Smile?

In India, several procedures cater to gummy smile correction. Laser gum reshaping, involving the removal of excess gum tissue with a laser, shows promising results, albeit with limited long-term data. On the other hand, gummy smile surgery, a more invasive option, repositions the gums over the teeth, requiring general anaesthesia and a longer recovery period.

The introduction of gummy smile implants, small titanium implants placed in the gums to reduce gum exposure, provides another promising avenue, although research on long-term effects is ongoing. Alternatively, non-invasive Botox injections can reduce muscle movement in the upper lip, effectively reducing gum exposure, though they necessitate repeated sessions every few months.

Treatment Options for Gummy Smile Correction

Several treatment options cater to different gummy smile causes. 

  • Lip Surgery

When dealing with a short upper lip or hyperactive lips that may reveal more gums while smiling, lip reattachment surgery is recommended to minimise gum exposure.

  • Veneers or Crowns

In cases where genetics or ageing contribute to shorter teeth, leading to increased gum visibility, quick solutions such as veneers or dental crowns can be effective.

  • Orthodontic Treatment

For those with a gummy smile, various treatment options like orthodontic appliances, braces, Invisalign, and more can enhance one’s appearance. These methods work by aligning the teeth and jaws, ultimately enhancing the aesthetic appeal of the gums.

  • Crown-Lengthening / Gum Reduction Surgery

When teeth remain partially concealed due to bone-level obstructions, the removal of gum tissue or bone is recommended to expose more of the tooth, thus improving the overall smile.

  • Crown-lengthening or gum reduction surgery

It is employed when teeth remain partially hidden due to bone-level obstructions, where removal of gum tissue or bone exposes more of the tooth, enhancing the smile’s aesthetics.

Choosing the Right Gummy Smile Correction Procedure and Expert

Selecting the most suitable gummy smile correction procedure requires consultation with a qualified dentist like Dr. Sween Kathuria. Understand the risks and benefits of each treatment option to make an informed decision.

Trust Dr. Kathuria’s Dentistry for a better smile and healthy teeth!

Are you tired of searching for ways to get a perfect smile? If so, you can book a consultation with Dr. Sween Kathuria at Dr. Kathuria’s Dentistry. She is a well-qualified dentist who has always ensured a seamless and comfortable treatment journey for her patients. To book an appointment, connect with our team today!

Travel Hacks for Invisible Braces Wearer

Travel Hacks for Invisible Braces Wearer

If you have opted for invisible braces, the journey to a beautiful, confident and aligned smile has already begun, and the destination is also not far away. But what happens when wanderlust strikes and you are ready to hit the road or explore some far-off places? With invisible braces, travelling is easy, but you must be prepared. We have enlisted a few travel hacks to make your journey as perfectly aligned as your teeth. Plus, we shall also explore invisible braces costs in Delhi and the top dental implant services in the city to keep you informed.

Packing Essentials for Invisible Braces Wearers

  • Travel-Sized Oral Hygiene Kit- Carry a compact toothbrush, toothpaste, floss, and a small mirror to maintain your oral care routine on the go. 
  • Aligner Case- A protective case for your aligners will help keep them clean and safe.
  • Retainer Case- If you are in the later stages of your treatment, you might need a retainer. A sturdy retainer case is a must to keep it safe during your travels.  

Maintain Your Routine 

While travelling, it’s essential to stick to your routine. 

  • Hydration- Keep yourself well-hydrated, as a dry mouth can be uncomfortable with aligners. 
  • Cleaning- Clean your aligners and your teeth diligently, even if you are on the move. Brush and floss regularly.  

Plan Ahead

  • Check-In Luggage- To keep your aligners or retainers handy, pack them in your carry-on luggage. 
  • Extra Aligners- To be safe, get a spare set of aligners from your orthodontist for the trip. It’s better to be prepared if you lose or accidentally damage your current set. 
  • Research Dental Services- Know the local dental services at your destination. Search for top dental implant services in Delhi, and ask if they have branches where you travel. You may also research dental services and the related costs in case you are headed abroad. 

It’s time to discuss invisible braces cost In Delhi

The price may vary based on the provider, the complexity of your case, and the type of invisible braces you choose. In Delhi, you can find various options, from traditional Invisalign to more affordable alternatives. It’s advisable to consult experienced orthodontists or reputed dental clinics, get quotes and choose a provider that suits your budget and needs. Invisible braces cost In Delhi, from renowned dental clinics may seem a bit expensive, but the best care and effectiveness of treatment are assured. 

Choose Dr. Kathuria’s Dentistry for the Best Dental Services in Delhi 

If you are looking for top dental implant services in Delhi or searching for affordable braces, Dr. Kathuria’s Dentistry is your one-stop destination. We provide customised dental services that are a long-term solution for your dental needs. Our experienced orthodontists are skilled in delivering proper assessment and treatment plans. Whether dental implants for tooth gaps or invisible braces for misaligned teeth, we ensure they are fitted correctly and effectively. Your safety and satisfaction is our priority. Get the best and most advanced orthodontic care. It’s high time – visit our clinic or book an appointment right away!

The Relationship Between Tooth Gaps and Oral Health

best cosmetic dentist for gaps in teeth

Do you have a gap between your teeth that you feel conscious about? One side of you says you have joined the likes of Madonna, Anna Paquin, Michael Strahan, and Samuel L. Jackson. The other side says it is weird and hampers your smile. People may choose to be distinctive and feel that the tooth-gap adds to their individuality and charm. However, it is essential to note that these gaps, also known as diastema, are not just about the aesthetics of your smile but can also significantly impact oral health. This blog will delve into the relationship between tooth gaps and oral health and discuss the options provided by the best cosmetic dentist for gaps in teeth to address the concern.

Mind the Gap- An Aesthetic Point of View

Tooth gaps can vary in size or location. However, it is vital to consider the width of the gap and your level of oral health. A smile with noticeable gaps can affect self-esteem and confidence. Hence, opting for dental bonding, veneers, orthodontic solutions, and dental implant treatment in India can help in closing the gap and creating a more aesthetically pleasing smile.  

Beyond the Aesthetic Aspect- The Oral Health Perspective

  • Increased Risk of Gum Problems- Gaps between teeth can lead to gum issues. Food particles can become trapped, making it difficult to clean properly. This can result in gum inflammation, known as gingivitis, and, if left untreated, progress to more severe periodontal diseases. 
  • Misalignment and Bite Issues: Tooth gaps can contribute to misalignment problems, affecting your bite. An improper bite can lead to issues like TMJ disorders, headaches and excessive wear on teeth. 
  • Speech Difficulties: Sometimes, tooth gaps may lead to speech difficulties. Correcting these gaps can help improve pronunciation and overall speech. 
  • Dietary Impact: Depending on the size and location of the gaps, they can also affect your ability to chew food properly, potentially impacting your diet and overall nutrition.

Treatment Options to Fix Dental Gaps

  • Dental Bonding- Dental bonding is a non-invasive procedure where a tooth-coloured resin is applied to the gap and then sculpted and polished to match the surrounding teeth.  
  • Veneers and Crowns- Veneers are thin shells custom-made to cover the front surface of teeth. They are used to close gaps and improve the appearance of teeth. 
  • Braces- Braces or clear aligners like Invisalign can gradually move teeth into their proper positions and close moderate to large gaps. 
  • Dental Crowns– Crowns can close gaps by covering the adjacent teeth on either side of the gap. 
  • Dental Implants- Dental implants are a permanent solution to replace missing teeth and can be used to close gaps. A titanium post is implanted into the jawbone, and a crown is placed on top, filling the gap. Dental implant treatment in India is preferred when a tooth is missing, and the gap is not due to natural spacing. 


The choice of treatment depends on factors such as the size of the gap, the patient’s oral health, budget, and personal preferences. It is essential to consult with a reliable and expert dentist or orthodontist to determine the most suitable option for your specific situation.  

Get Customised Treatments For Tooth Gaps from Dr. Kathuria’s Dentistry

Dr. Kathuria’s Dentistry is renowned as one of the leading dental clinics in Delhi. Our team of expert professionals and state-of-the-art infrastructure facilitates high-quality dental care at affordable prices. Your smile and oral health are worth the investment and effort. Get yourself the best cosmetic dentist for gaps in teeth, and add happiness to your smile.  

All You Need to know About Deep Cleaning

deep cleaning

Maintaining excellent oral hygiene is a must for every individual. To achieve this, our routine includes brushing our teeth twice daily and using an antimicrobial mouthwash. 

Although brushing your teeth helps maintain healthy teeth and gums, it must not be the only method to keep your teeth clean.

Regular dental cleanings with the top dental implant services in Delhi or a nearby place are crucial to having sparkling white teeth and maintaining a healthy, bright smile. For those who may not know, dental cleanings are performed at diverse levels. While standard cleaning aims to remove plaque and bacteria from a patient’s mouth, deep cleaning is required when bacteria attack below the gum line and gums need to be restored. Deep cleaning, also known as Periodontal Scaling and Root Planing, is recommended to clean areas where toothbrushes can’t clean tartar and germs.

Let’s take a closer look at what deep cleaning is, its types and signs & symptoms. 

Deep Cleaning

Deep cleaning is a procedure that involves the mouth’s thorough cleaning in hard-to-reach areas, such as the roots and pockets located at the tooth base. At times, tartar tends to form at the tooth roots and areas surrounding the exterior. Tartar, if not cleaned at regular intervals, can cause bacterial infections. To avoid such circumstances, the best cosmetic dentist in Delhi uses periodontal scaling and root planing. It is an advanced technique used to remove built-up tartar below the gum line. Please note that if manual scraping isn’t able to remove the tartar, an ultrasonic device may be used to achieve better results.

Types of Deep Cleaning Procedures

  • Preventive Deep Cleaning: 

Preventive deep cleaning is a procedure used to reduce any risk of developing gum diseases. This procedure can also be employed on patients who have periodontal disease. Additionally, it plays a role in mitigating potential complications.

  • Therapeutic Deep Cleaning: 

This procedure serves the same purpose as preventive deep cleaning but is considered more invasive. It can also be employed in patients with periodontal disease and helps reduce complications. 

Signs and Symptoms that Suggest You Need Deep Cleaning

  • Bleeding of gums while brushing or when eating hard fruits
  • Red, tender, swollen gums
  • Gums start pulling away from the teeth
  • The presence of an unpleasant taste in the mouth, which goes away after brushing
  • The tooth becomes loose and separates from other teeth when you start developing the gingival disease
  • Denture’s fitting becomes altered

Is the Procedure Painful?

Deep cleaning may lead to discomfort to some level. However, as dentists use anaesthetic on the patient to numb their gums, the procedure leads to no pain. After the treatment, as the anaesthetic wears off, you might experience pain, swelling, sensitivity and minor bleeding. 

You will also be required to perform home care instructions. To prevent new infections from developing and faster healing, it is suggested to visit the best cosmetic dentist in Delhi.

If you have any of the symptoms listed above or feel that your teeth require a deep cleaning procedure, connect with us at Dr Kathuria’s Dentistry. We offer the best dental services in Delhi! Call us at our toll-free number, 1800-11-7272 or drop an email to book an appointment or get assistance for your dental problems today!

Why Do Some Root Canal Treatments Take Two Visits?

Root Canal Treatments

A visit to the dentist can sometimes be anxiety-inducing, especially when you’re facing the prospect of a root canal treatment. Root canals are often associated with pain and discomfort, but they are crucial for saving a tooth with severe infection or damage. When you visit the best dentist for tooth extraction in Delhi, you may sometimes be called for two sessions, while others are completed in one session. Wondering why? This blog is for you. We’ll explore why some root canal treatments require two visits and why this approach is sometimes necessary for dental health.

What is Root Canal Treatment?

When the tooth’s pulp becomes infected due to severe decay, it becomes crucial to remove the pulp. After deeply removing the pulp, an appropriate material can prevent the further appearance of infection. This entire process is called “root canal treatment”. 

Why Do Some Root Canals Require Two Visits? 

In some cases, the infection within the tooth can be quite complex. It may involve multiple canals or anatomical variations that make it challenging to completely clean and disinfect during a single visit. So, during the second visit, your dentist will clean the tooth canals as thoroughly as possible and insert drugs inside the tooth structure. Once the remaining bacteria inside the tooth have been eliminated, the dentist will start you on a course of antibiotics. You will need to visit your dentist again after your course of antibiotics is through so they can finish the root canal procedure completely.

What Happens on the Second Visit?

  • Your dentist can use local anesthetic to make sure the tooth is numb
  • After this, the dentist will easily remove the prior temporary material that was used to fill in the tooth
  • The canal will be examined to see that they are clean
  • If required, your dentist might use more medicines to inject into the canals
  • Following this procedure, the canals are dried, and X-rays are taken 
  • Fill the cleaned and disinfected canals with a biocompatible material called gutta-percha.
  • Seal the access opening with a permanent filling or crown to restore the tooth’s functionality and protect it from future damage.

Is a Root Canal second Visit painful?

Compared to the first visit of the root canal treatments that you underwent, the second visit is quite simple and easy to perform. This is because your dentist has already cleared the infection from the tooth structure. Furthermore, the nerve tissue was previously removed on the initial visit, which helps in reducing discomfort. As a result, numbing the tooth the second time is much simpler.

Is the Crown safe after the Root canal?

A crown is considered a safe method to prevent the tooth from breaking down and fracturing in the future. After the root canal treatment, many patients experience broken teeth, especially those who don’t go for dental crowns. As a result, this may also lead to dental extraction and make the tooth non-restorable.

Make a Root Canal Appointment Right Away

Now you know the importance of root canal treatment in maintaining oral hygiene. So, if you’re looking for the best dentist for tooth extraction in Delhi, Dr. Puneet Kathuria at Dr. Kathuria’s Dentistry has got you covered. With years of experience, our doctors can successfully treat and resolve dental problems in a single visit. Book your appointment today, and let us handle your needs for root canal therapy.